Nextcloud 25 Update ‘HTTP error 500’ -EN
Some users encountered this issue with the nextcloud 24.* to 25 browser migration update. I think this issue is a caching issue. But this caching problem occurs on the server side.
1) First open the config.php file (config/config.php)
'maintenance' => false to 'maintenance' => true,
2) Open a shell of our server and go to the nextcloud root file,
/var/www/nextcloud(your pfad)
3) Run the update database command:
php occ Maintenance:mimetype:update-db
*Must be the user who has installed the nextcloud. Here I used the darfa_usr command as an example, replace it with your own user. If your user does not have sudo rights, become root with the su command and run the command.
sudo -u darfa_usr php occ db:add-missing-indices
4) Run the .htaccess update command:
php occ Maintenance:update:htaccess
sudo -u darfa_usr php occ Maintenance:update:htaccess
5) Execute the global update command:
php occ upgrade
sudo -u darfa_usr php occ upgrade
6) Open config.php file (config/config.php)
'maintenance' => true to 'maintenance' => false,